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You Wield Great Power As a Woman in Business

It’s hard not to feel alone in a man’s world as a businesswoman, but our panel of experts here explain how their mentors showed them early on how that can be an advantage.

Barbara Corcoran

Founder, The Corcoran Group

What’s the best business advice you’ve received from another woman?

All the best advice came from my mom. At 23, I was competing at the diner with a waitress who was a dead ringer for Dolly Parton and all the men swarmed to her counter. My mom’s advice was to braid my long blond hair into pigtails and tie them with red ribbons. I offered the customers an innocent alternative to the blond bombshell — my customers doubled, and so did my tips. Lesson learned? If you don’t have big breasts, put ribbons on your pigtails. 

My mom surrounded herself with good people while making sure her 10 kids only hung out with good friends. When I built The Corcoran Group, I mimicked her and surrounded myself with good people, and got rid of the complainers and clunkers fast. Lesson learned? You are what you hang out with. 

Dylan Lauren

Owner, Dylan’s Candy Bar

What’s the best business advice you’ve received from another woman?

A female athletic coach gave me some of the best advice, which I apply to business. She suggested that in order to run as fast as you can and win the race, you have to stay focused and look ahead. If you look to the person on your right or left, you will trip and fall.

Dr. Katie Rodan

Co-Founder, Rodan + Fields

What’s the best business advice you’ve received from another woman?

Keep your eye on the ball, then once it’s in your field of vision, hit it with everything you’ve got! The best path to success is staying focused on your goal, committing fully, working hard, picking yourself up when you fall, and playing fair.

Dr. Kathy Fields

Co-Founder, Rodan + Fields

What’s the best business advice you’ve received from another woman?

You must believe in what you are doing and never stop networking! Get a mentor — someone who encourages you, helps you work through the hard parts, and cheers your success.

Mischia Taylor

Dean, Godbold School of Business, Gardner-Webb University

What’s the best business advice you’ve received from another woman?

I’m blessed to receive guidance from so many influential, successful businesswomen in my life, that it is impossible to quote just one piece of advice. Collectively, they would say, “Trust yourself, do not be afraid to take risks, remember to ask for forgiveness, always serve others, and just be you!”

Anastasia Ratzlaff

Dual BA-MBA Degree Alumnae (2019) from the School of Business, Stockton University

What’s the best business advice you’ve received from another woman?

The best business advice I received came from several female professors at Stockton University, which was, “Don’t be in the mindset that you have to pick one career choice, because your career is going to be made up of different titles, different positions, and different companies. Your power is in what makes you different. Business can be seen as a man’s world; being a woman, you are different, but different is good.”

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